Events & Programs
At Infinitus, our commitment is to Excellence:
We hold ourselves, our partners and collaborators accountable and to the highest standard.
We commit to authentic engagement with community, industry, and organizations, to leverage our lived experiences to create tangible and lasting impact within the Digital Economy, Social Justice, Education, Business, Health and Care sectors.
Business of Self
Business of Self
Personal, Professional and Employability Development. This program focuses on the pathways to building and obtaining employment in the Digital Age. Through our curriculum and events that support participants to individually Embrace Their Limitless Potential on their journey of personal and professional development!
Digital Literacy
Digital Literacy
Our programming is tailored to bridge the disconnect between individuals, organizations and communities to enable them to embrace this shift into the digital age. We have a range in course offerings all focused on bridging the online disconnect - and increase their online confidence. Utilizing a Peer Learning Model with group-based dynamics, the program will foster an open learning environment to empower persons to build their digital literacy and confidence as a digital citizen.

Youth Innovation Labs
Youth Innovation Labs
Designed to foster discussion and generate innovative ideas using strategic questions as a starting point, bringing informed voices to the table alongside traditional decision-makers. These opportunities allow youth to provide input and inform the organization, with opportunity for wider implications.
Panel Discussions & Speaker Series
Panel Discussions & Speaker Series
Throughout history the magic happens when people come together - the mixing of beliefs, ideals and lived experiences provides an opportunity to leverage industry, community and organizational collective expertise. Our focus is on providing an opportunity to hold space for intergenerational, inter-community event that features this richness of dialogue.
Leveraging Your Voice
- Speaking
Leveraging Your Voice
- Speaking
9 module public speaking programming focused on empowering persons to leverage themselves to the context. Exploring the dynamics and mechanics of public speaking from self confidence - to reading room cues. Leverage your skills and experience to become a more active participant in your dialogue.