Our Story
Commitment to Impact
Since starting, we have continued unapologetically in our commitment to build a platform that bridges the disconnect between youth and each-other, their communities, industry and government!
Now - we continue to honour this commitment in new ways, with partnerships, programs and work!
Join us on our Journey!
First Registered!
Saint Mary's University TESL International Language Centre- Customized Active Listening Programming
Saint Mary's University- Workshops on sexual consent and student athlete resiliency
Saint Mary's University -Welcome Week- Multi-Year Transition Workshops for incoming university students
Limitless (-2018) in Partnership with the Department of Justice and NSCC -personal and professional development in all four of the provincial correctional facilities -
Tech Shy to Tech Savvy (-2022) provincial Digital Literacy program Nova Scotia wide, both in person and virtual (ran through COVID)
11-week Personal, Professional development program in Jamaica with University of Technology
Ancestral Roots Regional Summits (-2019) partnership with DBDLI
(Delmore Buddy Daye Learning Institute)
Digital entrepreneurship program - partnership with Department of Community Services and NSCC
Building Bridges (-2021) Provincial- Novas Scotia wide program with 50+ schools - junior high and high-school. In person and virtual (ran through COVID)
COADY International Institute - Saint Francis Xavier University: - Growing Social Justice at X: Re-imagining the Coady Chair in Social Justice. Focused on holding a series of communities engagement sessions to reimagine the role of the institution and chair
Kings County Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Strategic Action Plan
Early Childhood Education - Atlantic Canada wide program leading strategic design and consultation
Lunenburg County Anti-Racism & Anti-Discrimination
Anger Management Programming - partnership with Brotherhood under NS Health
Business of Self - personal, professional and employability development *closed space program*